Your Creatrix Conspirator: One-To-One Bespoke Mentorship For Creative Soulful Entrepreneurs

An illuminating private journey that cuts through online overwhelm and births a creative pathway for divinely crafted infinite ease, joy and serenity

Are you ready for someone to cut through the overwhelm and online noise and illuminate a bespoke creative pathway for you drenched in sacred simplicity?

Cherished Creative Soulful Entrepreneur: It's time to say goodbye to overwhelm, busyness and
multi-tasking and say hello to a creative life and business drenched in sacred simplicity.

As a passionate creative soulful entrepreneur you know that of all the things you value in life virtually everything, within reason, is unlimited.

You know that with your once-in-a-lifetime uniqueness that you can always make more money, buy more courses, buy more advertising to gain more followers and so it goes on....

 But time....? 

You know deep in your bones that time, and a life of spaciouness, is a rare gem that should be handled with all the sacredness and reverence it deserves.

And yet, here you are stuck on the hustle treadmill longing to be set free.

You know it's time to reclaim your wildly precious time for ease, joy, spaciousness and serenity that you've lost to the hustle of the 24/7 grind culture but you just have no idea how to get there.

All you crave is a life where you have time to dedicate to your creativity without distraction.

Time for more reading. For more beauty. For more nature. For more painting.

You're the lover, the artist, the Creatrix, the dreamer, and the visionary after all.

You're someone who is most in their element creating, whether that's through drawing, embroidery, playing the piano, or feeling awe and wonder at a museum.  

As Mary Oliver so profoundly said:
"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

These words have melted many a creative's heart and I know it's the question you ask yourself daily.

 As a highly-sensitive creative soul that feels the world intensely you truly KNOW that this life is wildly precious and I know you desire more than anything to reclaim it.

As someone who restored their life to sacred simplicity, but who lives with the scars of 6 chronic illnesses from a past life of constant busyness and overwhelm, I know with all my heart and soul that a life and business of joy, ease and spaciousness is the most worthwhile creative project of all.

So what's stopping you from living your wildly precious creative life today?

Let me guess (you could say I'm a little bit physic!), right now here's what's stopping you from dedicating your life to the pathway of ease, joy and serenity that you so desire....
  • .... you're battling with proscatination and perfectionism and as a result, you're never getting your ideas out into the world. OR you're stopping yourself from bringing forth your newest and most sparklin ideas to the world
  • .... you’re exhausted by the digital landscape and so you spend your whole week scheduling content to every single social media platform that exists
  • .... you're constantly feeling busy and overwhelmed in your content creation and you spend most of your week just making creative content for social media alone
  • .... you're feeling shackled to a marketing strategy that everyone else is using and yet it doesn't truly nourish your sacred gifts or leave room for ease or flow 
  •'re multi-passionate and having a hard time breaking down your ideas so as a result you're spinning ALL of the plates and feeling like a circus act managing them all!
  • ..... you never ever have time for your creative gifts. You haven't touched your sketchbook in months. The piano is dusty. You just don't have time for the creative hobbies you once adored.
  • ..... you're always feeling 'on' in your business and find it impossible to stop looking at your laptop, computer and phone
  • .... you've spent $$$/£££/€€€ on courses, workshops and other business containers because you're longing to be able to find something to 'fix' the things you are struggling with but you get swamped keeping up with all this content
  • .... you're getting lost in the hustle mentality and 24/7 ‘grind’ and masculine way of creating a business and it's leaving you feeling utterly exhausted and depleted   
  • .... you're battling moments of self-doubt, imposter-syndrome and constantly comparing yourself to what others are doing online
  • .... you're getting lost in consuming other people’s content. You know how it goes: a quick scan of social media turns into one hour after another just scrolling away, rather than owning or creating your OWN magic!
  • .... you're trying to create ALL the things to appease to the slot-machine esque nature of social media platforms that change their mind on the nature of their algorithms every 5 minutes…..’create posts like this, oh no, actually, just make reels, no wait…’ Gah!! 
  • ..... you long to work less and reclaim your wildly precious time
  • ..... you feel lost. You just want to know how to step off this treadmill of hustle and live a creative life of joy, ease and spaciousness

Cherished creative soul, you deserve so much more than cookie-cutter business advice that doesn't centre your once-in-a-lifetime gifts and cultivates space for your most precious time

Creativity. Simplicity. Ease. Spaciousness. Effortlessness. That is your true nature. 

As your Creatrix Conspirator I'm here to take you on your pathway back to Sacred Simplicity in your life and business so that you can contribute to a shift in our consciousness which will see all our work and lives become more sustainable, generative, and restorative.

That's right Creatrix: By stepping onto this pathway of reclaimation, you're not only changing your own life, but you're changing the lives of those around you.

Through my own journey of embodying Sacred Simplicity I have identified certain key areas that are stopping you from cultivating ease, peace and simplicity that so deeply desire to experience day to day.

I now share this wisdom and these teachings with you so that a life of profound simplicity and flow becomes your blueprint.

When you allow me the greatest honour of being by your side on this bespoke journey here's what you'll leave with:

Crystal clear clarity on everything in your business that is causing you to live in a constant state of overwhelm

Are you in a loop of constant overwhelm and busyness?

I'll help you to get crystal clear on what you truly desire outside of the other 'noise' and 'clutter' you're surrounding yourself with that's blocking your from living a life of Sacred Simplicity.

Your result? You'll leave this experience with your own unique cosmic North Star that will steer you time and time again to what truly matters to you. As a result, you'll be so focussed that you'll always hold this illuminated pathway close to your heart. 

Your ticket OFF the content creative treadmill so that you can finally stop spinning all of the plates

Are you feeling shackled to a content creation marketing strategy that everyone else is using and yet it doesn't truly nourish your sacred gifts or leaves room for ease or flow?

Or are you STILL trying to create ALL the things to appease to the slot-machine esque nature of social media platforms that change their mind on the nature of their algorithms every 5 minutes?
Your result? You'll leave this experience only creating content that energises your products and services that changes your community's lives because they cherish it so much. In turns, this content feels truly sustainable and joyful to create

Your guide to cultivating deep work and how to quieten the noise of social media in a high-pace online world 

Are you getting lost in consuming other people’s content? Would you say you're addicted to social media?

You know how it goes: a quick scan of social media turns into one hour after another just scrolling away, rather than owning or creating your OWN magic!

To me, cultivating deep work in this modern age is about focusing your energetic intention on the things that truly matter. I'll guide you out of the noise and into online serenity through deep-work.
Your result? Whether you want to stay on social media or not, you'll learn how to cultivate a life without a bombardment of digital noise and how to work deeply so that you don't get pulled into shallow 'busy' work that takes you away from your precious dharma.  

How to spend more time on things you really care about and discover your Creative Muse

In a world that thrives on success and busyness we have forgotten the sacred art of rest, simplicity and BEING. Is this you right now? Are you stuck in being busy?

I will guide you on how to meet your Creative Muse and create sacred spaciousness in your week to nourish and nurture this relationship.

Your result? You will discover your Creative Muse and fill your days with beauty, romance, art, nature, dance, music and everything you find serenely beautiful that's finally balanced with your dharma and gifts you bring to the world through your business and content marketing.

Can you imagine...?

What could be possible for you, your life and your business? Let me ask my crystal ball as these are the kind of shifts that you can expect to create in your life and business when you step onto this life changing pathway....
 ✔️ Imagine being able to able to have all the time you desire to tend to every single one of your creative desires and never ever feeling guilty about it

 ✔️ Imagine being able to go on a journey where you’re finding and expressing your voice through your business that will enable the emancipation of your creativity into everything you do  

✔️ Imagine being able to create deeply meaningful content that energises your products and services by uplifting your brand that people cherish and adore  

✔️ Imagine being able to open up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you and share it with kindred spirits

✔️ Imagine being able to position you and your business/brand as leaders in your industry with all the digital spotlight on you and your treasures

✔️ Imagine being able to be free of your previous social media and online distractions. You're no longer chained to your phone and you enjoy endless spaciousness!
✔️  Imagine being able to have your dreams clients fall so madly in love with your creative content that they're pouring into your community and magical offerings

✔️ Imagine being able to supercharge your marketing and make your blog the hub of ALL your other platforms for the ease and flow you so desire (and so deserve)  

✔️ Imagine being able to have an abundance of treasured content ideas that you can impact the world with that isn't sucking all your precious hours  

✔️ Imagine being able to create content that transforms people's lives that leads to published books, podcast interviews with your role models, speaking on stages, winning hearts that elevate your sales and services, and OH so much more!

✔️ Imagine being able to invite hearts to crack open when you learn to unearth the reverent beauty of the stories you hold and create

✔️ Imagine reclaiming your wildly precious life. You have more time with your loved ones. Truly nourishing dis-connected holidays. Time to make the most precious of memories living the deepest life imaginable.

It’s time to nurture the quiet magic within. Together, we’ll uncover the life you crave—one where your Muse is your guide, and your soul’s desires take centre stage. A life worth savouring awaits. Shall we begin?

What pathway do you most desire?

With me as your loving conspirator, we’ll craft the pathway your heart has been whispering for. Your Muse awaits—shall we step into her world?

Here are three suggestive pathways that I specialise in as your Creatrix Conspirator:

The Pathway To Soulful Creative Content

I truly believe that blogs, podcasts, video creation, Pinterest and other evergreen content strategies are an inexhaustible source of magic in this online landscape and it's my great passion to help as many people as possible to discover this.

 Especially you, precious Creatrix! Why?

 Because evergreen creative content has the ability to showcase your inner magic that will open up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you that will inspire so many others along the way.

 Most importantly, evergreen content is a highly sustainable nurturing way of bringing your creative magic to the online world. I will bring my 13 years of blogging, and 12 years of Pinterest, to our work together so that you can create your digital online home that truly reflects your tapestry of talents and legacy.

The Pathway Of Sacred Simplicity

Do you long to say goodbye to overwhelm, busyness and multi-tasking and hello to Sacred Simplicity?  

This pathway is a deeply personal one to me because for years I wore busyness and overwhelm like a badge of honour throughout my teens and early twenties.

    Simplicity has given me spaciousness for myself and to be in the deep presence of my loved ones and causes that I can tend my heart, mind and soul to.

  Simplicity allowed me to slow down to revel in meeting myself and experience the profound depth of who I am and what I'm here for.  

What can Sacred Simplicity gift to you precious creative soul? That's exactly what we'll discover so that you can spend your days tending to your every curiosity or creative desire.

The Pathway Of Creative Illumination

Do you dream of being featured in your favourite magazine? Do you have a story that you long to unearth? Do you long to share your pearls of grace with the world?  

This pathway will help you to illuminate your creative goddess with a bespoke PR and marketing strategy so that you shine with every fibre of your uniqueness.  

I'll help you craft magnetic pitches, tell you exactly when to submit pitches, create a captivating media kit, teach you how to access celebrtities and the influencers you so admire, speak on that podcast you've always admired, and so much more!  

My handmade hair accessories at Beauxoxo have been adorned by Little Mix, the Made in Chelsea cast, Marina and The Diamonds. I have also had features in pulications such as ELLE and Marie Claire. Now it's YOUR time to shine.

Your Creatrix Conspirator Mentorship includes....

When you step onto this pathway you'll be in the most loving space to truly bring forth the truly precious sacred creative life you've always dreamed of

Here is how I'll shape this unique journey and pathway for you....


90 Minute 1-1 Mentoring

Our journey begins with a 90-minute Zoom session, a sacred space for you to be truly seen and heard as the magical being you are.

Before our meeting, you’ll complete a form that helps me intuitively tap into your unique essence.

Drawing inspiration from astrology, human design, and your soul’s creative desires, I’ll arrive ready to guide you with a bespoke plan.

 Our session will feel like tea with a cherished friend, gently uncovering the heart of the pathway you truly crave.

This is your space—a sanctuary to hold all of you.  


Bespoke Plan and Workbook

Following our session, I will lovingly create a personalised workbook and guide designed to anchor you on this journey.

This isn’t just a digital download—it’s a beautifully tailored gift, sent both electronically and lovingly wrapped to your doorstep.

Within these pages, you’ll receive a bespoke action plan imbued with loving structure, designed to honour the uniqueness of who you are and the creative life you desire.

This guide is a treasure to help you carve your pathway with clarity, intention, and purpose, all while holding space for your innate magic.  


6 Weeks of Text Support

True transformation takes time, and I’ll be holding space for you over the next six weeks.

Each Friday, we’ll connect through text or voicenotes to celebrate wins, navigate challenges, and keep your momentum alive.

 When our six weeks conclude, we’ll come together for a final 60-minute Zoom session. This is our time to reflect on your journey, celebrate how far you’ve come, and chart a course for the radiant future ahead.  

This final step is for you to be able to reconnect with your creative heart, and embrace the beauty of becoming the Creatrix you were always meant to be.

Creatrix, have we met before?

Hi, I'm Georgie (she/her)

Let's create Sacred Simplicity together

Hi there fellow Creatrix! I’m Georgie, founder of the enchanted living blog 'Georgie xoxo', 'The Art Of Blogging' and 'Art Of Pinterest' E-Courses and creator of an art and history online school called 'Academy Of The Enchanted Arts.'

After creating my handmade hair accessory company, Beauxoxo, when I was just a teenager feeling creatively unfulfilled and depressed at University, I learned a lot about how to balance a business that both nourishes the needs of a soulful, creative entrepreneur alongside managing 6 chronic illnesses.

I realised I too struggled with spreading myself too thin across a million social platforms, spinning all the plates in my business, and getting swept up in the toxic 24/7 hustle culture that has led me on my current path of reclaiming sacred simplicity.
Fast forward to today, I'm now on a deeply personal mission to inspire highly-sensitive, creative soulful entrepreneurs just like you to build a business and creative content strategy that brings you an abundance of ease, flow and simplicity so that you spend the majority of your time drenched in the richness of the relationship with your Creative Muse.

If you have even resonated with 5% of the above, I know we’ve not met by accident, and that we were destined to meet.  

What makes me different from other mentors and coaches?

✨ My spiral of busyness and overwhelm led to 6 chronic illnesses that I was diagnosed with in my twenties. These include Dyshidrotic Eczema, POTS, Prolactionoma, PCOs, Endometriosis, Scleroderma and Gastroparesis. I truly understand what radical rest, ease and simplicity looks like.

🧚‍♀️ A life of Sacred Simplicity saved my life. I've now swapped my daily work hours of 6am to 1am to a truly life-changing 10 hour week with ample time to devote to reading, painting and mastering Debussy and Ravel's intricate impressionist compositions!

✨ I grew up in Dorset by the seaside and I worked for LUSH Cosmetics throughout my studies in the very first shop in Poole! I also worked for the sister make up company called B Never Too Busy To Be Beautiful! Being on the doorstep of one of the biggest beauty companies in the world provided me with infinite wisdom that has made me the entrepreneur I am.

🧚‍♀️ My handmade accessory business Beauxoxo afforded me financial safety as I was becoming desperately unwell, and I was able to master multiple selling platforms, have my creations adorned by celebrities like Little Mix, Katy Perry, the Made in Chelsea cast and Marina and The Diamonds. In addition, I was also able to do my own in-house PR and have features in ELLE and Marie Claire. Eventually I sold this business in 2019 and have a specialist interest in helping others bring their passions to life but with balance and ease truly at the root of it all.

✨ I'm deeply passionate about art and music history and have studied Music and Art history at University to MA level. Outside of my time being a Creatrix Conspirator, I run my online school called 'The Academy Of The Enchanted Arts.' My life as an art historian enables me to truly be gifted at deep-work and eliminating distraction.

🧚‍♀️ I am devoted to transforming my fate into destiny so that I can be in service to you with my gifts and pearls of wisdom. I'm currently a student of world-famous intuitive Robert Ohotto and I have also undertaken valued learning from Cal Newport's 'Deep Work' course and books, Marie Forleo's 'B School', Natalie Brite's 'Ethical Business School', Justine Beauregard's 'Master Your Marketing', Esther De Charon De Saint Germain's 'Self Love Success Club', Sarah Santacroce 'Marketing Like We're Human', Rachel Ricketts 'Spirititual Activism' and Dr Sarah Coxon's 'Limitless' and workshop experiences.

🧚‍♀️ I'm a Sagitarius Sun, Pisces Moon and Gemini Rising, INFP (Myers Briggs), 4 in the Enneagram and a Manifesting Generator  (6/2 Role Model/Hermit) in Human Design! I'm currently in the 'hermit' stage of my Human Design meaning that it's my destiny to teach all the wisdom I have learned so far! In fact, it's what inspired this offering as your Creatrix Conspirator!

Imagine stepping off the endless treadmill and into the life your soul has been whispering for. Together, we’ll weave a pathway of spaciousness, clarity, and sacred creativity. Your Muse is waiting—shall we answer her call? 

Imagine being able to create content that transforms people's lives that leads to glossy magazine features, published books, podcast interviews with your role models, speaking on stages, winning hearts that elevate your sales and services .... and oh so much more! 

Are you ready embrace and discover your inner magic that will open up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you? And inspire SO many others along the way?

Simply put: My job as your Creatrix Conspirator is to amplify the jewels you carry. 

To help you to shine more brightly than you could possibly imagine. 

To guide you onto a path that opens up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you. 

To be your mirror for your greatness.

To illuminate a path for you that nourishes every fibre of your being.

To guide you on your own sacred journey of showing up, shining brightly, and receiving YOUR unique signs of abundance that we will sow together.

To nurture your mind and soul, open your heart and imagination, and inspire you to give yourself the trust to lead with curiosity, playfulness and creativity in everything you do as you bring your dreams to life.

Are you ready to begin this adventure together?

Shirley Ann


"I have been online for 10 years and there are things I just could not figure out! It’s as though you’ve helped me learn a new language…a language I’ve been trying to learn forever! You’re such a wonderful teacher Georgie my dearest!!! My blogging and SEO efforts were USELESS until I took your course! I have so much confidence about my website and online presence now. I’m so grateful!"

Imagine being able to translate your imagination into reality just like I did with this beret lookbook I filmed in Paris with Swann and The Berries with Camille Richez for Beauxoxo.
Are you ready to see what's possible for you too?

I bet you're wondering the answer to....

Of course! I'd be honoured to come together so we can get to know each other and to see if this beautiful journey is for you. Click here to book your call today.

Great question! A One-time payment of €1111 ($1,150/£924). Or to split the payment, 2 monthly payments are €556 ($574/£462).

I personally believe that EVERY single stage of business comes with overwhelm and therefore cultivating the skill for embodying sacred simplicity will benefit every single stage of your business. 

I don't offer refunds on digital offers however, so that you can truly work out if we're a match, I'd be honoured to come together for a free call so that we can get to know each other and to see if this beautiful journey is for you. This is completely free to you and risk free! Click here to book your call today.

I would love to hear from you! My email is 

Ready to start reclaiming your wildly precious life?
Let’s make it happen today!

1 Time Payment



Billed Once

One time payment of €1,111 ($1,150/£924)

2 Monthly Payments



Billed Monthly

2 monthly payments of €556 ($574/£462)

Feeling curious but not quite ready? It’s okay to take your time—stepping into something new is a tender process. If you have questions or simply want to explore whether this is the right fit for you, let’s have a no-pressure chat. I’d be honoured to hold space for your thoughts and lovingly guide you toward clarity.

Natalie Brite

Conscious Business Strategy & Creative Direction & Founder of 'School Of Business With A Conscience'

"Georgie's guidance, insight and knowledge regarding how to approach blogging from an authentic and artistic way was a breath of fresh air. The way in which she spoke about her journey with getting into blogging was relatable and incredibly inspiring! Georgie's style of delivering tangible and practical support around how to use blogging as a way to support our passions made experiencing success with blogging seem far less daunting and far more doable. I thoroughly enjoyed how much Georgie simplified what seems like a usually overcomplicated topic, where she presented the art of blogging in a way that felt exciting to journey into. I received tremendous value from Georgie's tips and advice on how to structure blogs and am excited to apply what I learned into my own writing!"

Where does your money go to?

Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK) is the only UK charity dedicated to improving the lives of people with Scleroderma and Raynaud's phenomenon. SRUK aims to improve awareness and understanding of these conditions, to support those affected, fund groundbreaking research and ultimately to find a cure.

I was diagnosed with Scleroderma in 2018, and my work has since been dedicated to spreading awareness of this condition alongside helping you to create a life and business of Sacred Simplicity.

Through all your purchases on my shop, 10% of your purchase for this beautiful journey will be re-directed back to SRUK.
Thank you beyond words for all your support