Question for you....What if you could master The Art Of Blogging so that you can impact the world and make your dream clients fall madly in love with you? 

Precious, magical, creative Soulpreneur, Priestess and Creatrix....
Do you realise that the rich tapestry of the stories that you hold, your unique wisdom and your radiant gifts can create ripple effects of change and impact across the world?

I think you know they can too.

  Because you're a soulpreneur who is already changing people's lives and you're also here to create content that mirrors this that leads to published books and podcast interviews with your role models. 

And you dream of creating content that sparks a light so bright that you're speaking on stages like you've always dreamed of, that wins hearts all over the world and that can elevate your sales and services, and oh so much more.  

And yet…..

You find yourself face to face with another blank document wondering why the words aren’t coming to you naturally. You're shackled to perfection and proscrastination....

And you think…..
 “I’m just not a confident writer”
"What I want to share has already been done"
“Blogging takes SO much time”
“I have literally no idea what to create”

"Hasn't this been said before?"
“I’ll just put something on IG instead” 

Because here's the thing precious soul: your magic, your heart, your gifts, your talents and the impact you’re here to make it is all the sacred embodiment of the unique expression of Nature that you are. You're a one-of-a-lifetime masterpiece!

And you know what? That deserves SO much more than a quick like that has left the algorithm at a moments notice.  

Your stories and all the magic you carry deserves to be held with FAR more reverence.

And this is exactly what a can blog do for your treasures.

So just imagine......

Your own virtual home that is uniquely your own
A space for YOU to hold the digital spotlight
Somewhere with more than a thumb-sized image and a quick few lines of a caption to truly showcase your magnificence....!
A place where you don't need to hide behind other people

....and oh how I could go on!

But right now, here are some challenges you might be experiencing....

Because you know that in order to have an abundance of blog posts and creative content, you need tools to actually get the ideas out from your heart and imagination and into a strucutred plan of action. But right now you can't visualise a life beyond....
  • .... battling with proscatination and perfectionism and never getting your ideas out into the world (we simply can’t allow this precious one!)
  • .... you’re exhausted by the digital landscape and the last thing your brain can think about right now is figuring out how to create the perfect blog post
  • .... constantly feeling busy and overwhelmed in your content creation but having no clarity where to start
  • .... feeling shackled to a marketing strategy that everyone else is using and yet it doesn't truly nourish your sacred gifts or leaves room for ease or flow 
  • a fellow multi-passionate entrepreneur you’re already spinning ALL of the plates, right? (I see you)
  • .... feeling overwhelmed with how to find the perfect words and capture exquisite imagery
  • .... getting lost in the hustle mentality and 24/7 ‘grind’ so many preach when it comes to marketing and creating content *shudders*   
  • .... battling moments of self-doubt, imposter-syndrome and constantly comparing yourself to what others are doing
  • .... getting lost in consuming other people’s content. You know how it goes: a quick scan of social media turns into one hour after another just scrolling away, rather than owning or creating your OWN magic!
  • .... trying to create ALL the things to appease to the slot-machine esque nature of social media platforms that change their mind on the nature of their algorithms every 5 minutes…..’create posts like this, oh no, actually, just make reels, no wait…’ Gah!! 

Can you imagine...?

Imagine having a string of irresistible blog posts and creative content without the the overwhelm, stress, self-doubt and feeling like you’re on a constant content treadmill.

What could be possible for you, your life and your business? Let me ask my crystal ball....
 ✔️ Imagine being able to invite hearts to crack open when you learn to unearth the reverent beauty of the stories you hold 

 ✔️ Imagine being able to go on a journey where you’re finding and expressing your voice through blogging that will enable the emancipation of your creativity into everything you do  

✔️ Imagine being able to create content that energises your products and designs by uplifting your brand that people cherish and adore  

✔️ Imagine being able to open up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you and share it with kindred spirits

✔️ Imagine being able to position you and your business/brand as leaders in your industry with all the digital spotlight on you and your treasures
✔️  Imagine being able to have your dreams clients fall so madly in love with your blog posts that they're pouring into your community and magical offerings

✔️ Imagine being able to supercharge your marketing and make your blog the hub of ALL your other platforms for the ease and flow you so desire (and so deserve)  

✔️ Imagine being able to have an abundance of treasured content ideas that you can impact the world with  

✔️ Imagine being able to create content that transforms people's lives that leads to published books, podcast interviews with your role models, speaking on stages, winning hearts that elevate your sales and services, and OH so much more! 

This is JUST what I want! How can I get this?

If you want to learn how to create irresistible blog posts and creative content whilst creating your treasured footprints on Earth then I have something for you...

Introducing The Art Of Blogging E-Course

Introducing my easy-to-implement template system in a step-by-step blogging E-Course with lovingly made-for-you templates that I use for my own enchanted blog and that I used for my 6-figure handmade hair accessory business that's been curated for all soulfulpreneurs and the Creatrix who longs to bring their cherished gifts to a blog.

Your result?

You get to be immersed by your creativity, bring your cherished gifts to the world through the work you do and held with a proven system of creating content that nourishes all that you are whilst giving you the potency to change the world with your blog.

One blog post at a time!

I’m here to hold you by the digital hand and show you how to master The Art Of Blogging that can be the hub of all the potency you wish to share with the world. But most importantly: in a way that is full of oh-so much ease and simplicity (I have multiple chronic illnesses so ease and simplicity are my guideposts!)

Your result? You FINALLY get to light up the world with the richness of YOUR unique creative treasures and gifts that ONLY you hold. 

Here's a little peek at my favourite parts to this magical e-course

I know you want to be in full creative flow AND have the ability to take potent action to deliver your imagination into life-changing content. Here's are just three of the things I love about this e-course the most that can help to make this a reality for you:

Craft Your Ideas Into MAGIC

The days of sitting in front of your screen and not knowing what to write are over! This e-course will nurture your rich tapestry of ideas with potent journalling activities to capture your swirling creativity into magnetic blog posts you can write tonight

Master Visual Storytelling

If you've always longed to create all the beauty in your imagination and create an aligned message and brand with the world then a photography class by professional photographer Alina Barna is truly going to bring forth all of your visual stories 

Your Calendar Stoked For Abundance 

If you've always longed to create content that your dream clients will devour, that keep them coming back for more, a desire to have a smart business model and the North Star of your work that nourishes all of you, then this calendar is here to cherish ALL your ideas!

Still not sure if 'The Art Blogging' E-Course is for you?

Still undecided if this e-course is right for you? 
This e-course IS for you if....

✔️ You are financially able to afford this e-course

 ✔️ Ready to go on a journey where you’re finding and expressing your voice through blogging that will enable the emancipation of your creativity into everything you do  

✔️ You're a service or product based business or simply someone who is passionate about bringing their sacred gifts to a blog  

✔️ You desire to open up to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you and share it with kindred spirits

✔️ You're ready to commit to creating space to implement what you learn and take full responsibility for your own success
This e-course is NOT for you if....

╳ You are NOT financially able to afford this e-course

╳ You need tech support- this workshop is all about content creation!

╳ You require intensive 1:1 mentoring and guidance

╳ You'd rather hustle away posting on social media and not embrace the ease and flow of the suggestive tools and templates that can gift you with an abundance of content for you to repurpose instead to social media

╳ You believe blogs are old news and so early 2000s 😭😭😭 (excuse me whilst I sob silently to myself because this couldn't be further from the truth!)

Are you ready to claim your made-for-you templates so that you can start to change the world from tonight?!

Here's how it all breaks down....

So, what EXACTLY do I teach you so that you can master The Art Of Blogging? For just €222 this is all yours:

Module 1: Meet Your Blogging Muse 

In the opening module I will gentle lay the foundations for the rich tapestry of your creativity. I'll take you on a journey through a transformative visualisation where you'll meet your Blogging Muse who will always be by your side. You'll also discover your creative 'why' that's going to be your guiding North Star throughout your journey with a potent writing session to truly hone your desires in from the very start (worth $97)

Module 2: Let Yourself Shine

You’ll discover an overwhelm free way of understanding keyword research and SEO so that your content can shine with all the intensity it deserves. No more getting stuck and confused with technical jargon that stops you from shining and sparkling with all the intensity you deserve! (worth $97)

Module 3:  Crafting Your Magic

In this module I will teach you the anatomy of the perfect blog post so you always have a magical formula to rely on every single time you craft your magic. Simply edit and alter to your own uniqueness and get ready to create with oh-so-much flow and ease! Pure alchemy each time! (worth $197)

Module 4:  The Mastery Of Visuals 

Great creative content is shaped by breathtaking visuals and in this module you'll be guided by professional photographer Alina Barna to find your own photographic style, so that they can build a brand that stands out. Photography is one of the most important parts of modern-day content creation and this incredible module will help you to communicate who you are, what you love and what you stand for. ($97)

Module 5:  Creating Ease

It's time to create the ease and flow you do desire, and so deserve! First, you will have access to a content calendar made with love to display your divine, unique jewelled covered legacy where you will ALWAYS know what you’re going to post about, when you’re going to go on that podcast you always dreamed of, and what to create and when. This planner was the lifeblood of my 6-figure hair accessory business and the one I use time and time again on my blog! You’ll also see an example of a product and service based business. Then, we'll treat your blog posts like a magical jigsaw and re-purpose for ease (worth $197)

Total value equals = $732 but you get ALL of this magic for just $197! Yes, really!! Just $197!!

Who is this whimsical being and why do they know so much about blogging?!
Hey there! I’m Georgie (she/her) the whimsical human behind the The Art Of Blogging

In 2009, consumed by debilitating depression I opened my little Blogspot blog from my University library. Until this day with all my being: it was the best decision of my life. And it has been my greatest companion ever since.

My blog, Georgie xoxo, has since gifted me with the ability to market my 6-figure hair accessory business Beauxoxo (that I sold in 2019 due to my health) and have my accessories worn by Zoella and Little Mix, be featured in publications like Marie Claire and ELLE, be part of The Clothes Show Live, write for Grazia magazine, have a crafting online column for Company magazine, gain nominations for Cosmopolitan and Company blog awards and be interviewed on BBC radio for Scleroderma Awareness.

Deeper still, blogging has cradled me in the darkest moments of my life, living with 6 chronic illnesses, and it has also been a creative hub that has allowed me to experience pure ecstasy during the most magic- drenched moments of my life.

My blog is now a destination for those seeking whimsy, wonder, and enchantment in their everyday and I infuse that into all I do. Including this work with you!

I’ve crafted this e-course with ALL my love, wisdom, medicine, and blessings from 12 years of blogging so that YOU can truly make your mark in the world with your blog. I believe in your dreams so deeply and I'm honoured to cherish them with you through The Art Of Blogging. 

I really want a life of ease and flow as I craft a unique legacy and tapestry of creativity

Have a question before joining? If you have questions, I have answers! 

Yes absolutely! If you're already on social media you'll be used to creating captions, so you can definitely do this! Blog posts don't have to be great masterpieces! Your blog is here to help you to showcase an aligned message and brand with the world. It's a sacred space in your business to heal the planet and connect with others to unearth the reverent beauty of stories we all innately hold. Aim for connection over perfection and you truly will change the world with this e-course content. Trust me!

I understand, your time is the most precious resource in the whole entire world! As someone with multiple illnesses, I know this so intimately. This E-Course is made with that in mind. Each lesson is no longer than 20 minutes and 90% of the lessons are 10 minutes and under. You have the option to learn through videos or transcripts. Outside of this, you'll have many templates that you can simply edit so you can get on with crafting your unique impact and legacy in the world!

You can of course craft a unique legacy and tapestry of creativity on social media platforms but here's the thing: you don't own these platforms! What if overnight you lost all your sacred work and magic?! Gah!! This E-Course will teach you how to nurture captivating blog posts and imagery so that you can then SO easily copy and paste this to social media, should you wish! This is absolutely 'The Art Of Blogging' way!

Everything is pre-recorded so you can watch at your leisure, from wherever you are! You have fillable workbooks (no printing required) and spreadsheets to easily use wherever you are! 

1000% yes! I have blogged both for service/as a content creator AND for my handmade hair accessory business! In fact, it was blogging that elevated my brand that led to a 6-Figure business. Social media didn’t bring in anywhere near this abundance. My blog was the anchor of so much abundance and that’s why I’m so passionate to share how I did it so it’s possible for you too!

You have at LEAST 12 months access to this so plenty of time to implement this magic! One you have practised a few times you’ll be away and totally in your creative groove!

No, this E-Course assumes you already have a blog, or are in the process of getting one. I can already say here that I recommend (self-hosted) but, Blogpost are affordable options. Most websites like Wix, Squarespace and Shopify already have built in blogs so if you’re on one of those platforms, you’ll be ready to implement with ease!

Due to the low-cost of this E-Course I do not offer 1-1 mentoring with this particular offer. If you desire this please send an email to and I can send you the details of my bespoke blogging mentoring package. However, with this E-Course you are part of the Art Of Blogging community where I will include all of your incredible blog posts in an email so that we can support each other in your magical content! I have also set up comments and a community within the course platform so you can ask me questions and you can support each other on your journey. 

I would LOVE to hear from you! Please send me an email to and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Here's what these priestesses said about The Art Of Blogging

Are you wondering how this E-Course has worked for your fellow priestesses bringing their soul's mission into the world? Here's what happened for them when they mastered The Art Of Blogging:

I so loved being a student on this course. It is wonderful to see the changes in my business already moving to a blog and the benefits my community get from these changes. I never thought I could blog but you've made this so easy for us all. And inspiring! Thank you Georgie!

Crystal Healing & Reiki

This feature rich course has been such an incredible experience! I finally have so much FUN in my business since basing it all on my creative Muse. The way you explain things and make it so magical is so inspiring. Thank you so much!

Flower Remedy & NLP

This has been such a life-changing course for me! I just never knew I had the writing talent to blog so I've always put it off but now I see it's so much more than just writing. Thanks to this course I actually LOVE to blog now! And my business SEO has exploded- hurrah!

Yoga & Women's Life Coach

I'm ready to master The Art Of Blogging and finally unearth the content I desire to create for the world!

Imagine being able to create content that transforms people's lives that leads to glossy magazine features, published books, podcast interviews with your role models, speaking on stages, winning hearts that elevate your sales and services....and oh so much more! 

Here are just SOME of the gifts that blogging has blessed me with through my handmade hair accessory business Beauxoxo. 

This is your call to change this overwhelming digital landscape we are living in by mastering The Art Of Blogging!

I truly believe that blogs are an inexhaustible source of magic in this online landscape and it's my great passion to help as many people as possible to discover this. One free from the exhausation, overwhelm and the constriction of social media.
Are you ready embrace and discover your inner magic through blogging that will open up your imagination to the whole new world of beauty and wonder that already lives inside of you and inspire so many others along the way?

Choose your best: Either a 1 time payment or 3 monthly payments

1 Time Payment



Billed Once

One time payment of €222 ($232/£184)

3 Monthly Payments



Billed Monthly

3 monthly payments of €74 ($78/£62)